신사역 비문증안과 망막 열공 방지를 위하여

Sinsa Station Monument Certificate and To Prevent Retinal Fissure

The physical element needed to recognize and distinguish objects is the eyeball, so it was always better to check eye health because it was much more important than other body parts, but many people took it for granted that they could see well, so they neglected to manage it.Therefore, inscriptions such as eye congestion and eye dryness, and cataracts and glaucoma occurred in the small part.#Ophthalmology Translated by Shrine

There is a transparent gel-like glass body in the eye that fills the center of the eye, which occupies the largest volume of eye content and played an important role in maintaining eye structure that allows light from the pupil to reach the retina.

The glass body that sticks tightly to the optic nerve falls off, and the residue covers some of the light that enters the eye and forms a shadow on the retina, so it feels like there are black spots in the field of vision.

Therefore, if you see objects such as flies and mole in front of you, 2. Line-shaped shadows in front of your field of vision, 3. Spider web in front of you, 4. If you close or open your eyes, you can suspect inscription.

Therefore, it was difficult to find a special treatment so that time could not be prevented by human power, but inscriptions that started with a disease had to be treated to improve symptoms, so if symptoms of inscriptions occurred, they could be applied due to diabetic retinopathy.

In particular, more attention should be paid to the possibility of retinal detachment after about 6 months to 1 year after the occurrence of inscription.The number of people suffering from inscriptions is increasing every year, and many people thought it was a symptom that appeared tired, so they overlooked it, but as I said earlier, retinal detachment or retinal fissure was an eye disease that needed prompt treatment.

In general, inscriptions didn’t affect vision, and when I felt uncomfortable flickering in front of me, I looked up for a while and looked forward, and it disappeared temporarily, and over time it became almost thinner and adapted.However, if you continue to appear in front of your eyes and interfere with your daily life, you should plan your treatment using laser surgery or other surgical treatments.

In general, inscriptions didn’t affect vision, and when I felt uncomfortable flickering in front of me, I looked up for a while and looked forward, and it disappeared temporarily, and over time it became almost thinner and adapted.However, if you continue to appear in front of your eyes and interfere with your daily life, you should plan your treatment using laser surgery or other surgical treatments.

腎領域鼻門症眼科で行われるレーザー施術は機械的な衝撃波を利用して行うもので、大きな浮遊物を細かく砕いたり乱したりすることで症状を軽減させるものです 碑文が比較的眼球の前方に位置する場合には、このようなレーザーを利用した治療を通じて肯定的な結果が得られますが、眼球の後方、すなわち神経の周りに位置すると神経損傷の恐れがあり普遍的に施行されることはありません。軟弱だが非常に重要な役割を担っている網膜とガラス体にこのような衝撃が伝わると網膜損傷を起こす可能性があり、浮遊物が割れて目の前に見えた物体の数がさらに増加し、結果的により多くの不便を招く恐れがあるためです。macular edema or the holes in the eye glass body is cut, but is treated, and injecting use as an option when being accompanied by a I should have a second look.As I mentioned earlier, if you leave inscriptions that don’t disappear naturally, retinal detachment may proceed, and if the thermal retinal detachment progresses further and spreads from the center of the retina to the macula in charge of vision, it may be accompanied by sudden vision loss.Gangnam Blue Ophthalmology Clinic 372 FINE TOWER 7F, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, SeoulGangnam Blue Ophthalmology Clinic 372 FINE TOWER 7F, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, SeoulGangnam Blue Ophthalmology Clinic 372 FINE TOWER 7F, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, SeoulGangnam Blue Ophthalmology Clinic 372 FINE TOWER 7F, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, SeoulGangnam Blue Ophthalmology Clinic 372 FINE TOWER 7F, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, SeoulPrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image

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